Find New Employees
Let the Power of Radio Advertising Add to Your Recruiment Success
Expand your reach over traditional recruitment methods. With radio you will reach everyone. Instead of only reaching those who are unemployed/or looking for a job, you will reach those qualified individuals who are already employed, and may be persuaded to switch careers if the right opportunity comes along.
The best qualified employees already have jobs. Sure, there are those who lost their job because of downsizing, business closing, or maybe they just were not as good as they needed to be. But, on the most part, the best candidates for your job opening are already actively employed, doing a great job for their current employer. That is why they are currently working and why their employer holds on to them – they’re great employees!

Why Recruit New Employees on Binnie Media?
Because it works! – Binnie Media is the first place you should consider when searching for new employees in New Hampshire or Maine. When you place your listing on more traditional platforms such as one of the many job search websites out there, you only reach candidates actively looking for a job. In short, you’ve limited your reach to the current unemployment rate, which in Maine and New Hampshire is only about 5.0%.
On Radio you greatly increase your reach. According to Nielsen 92% of all Americans listen to the radio during the week. Simply put, Radio is a game changer.
How valuable would it be to you to reach the best qualified employees out there, in their car, or even at their work place? And to have the opportunity to persuade them to work for your company instead? Radio does that.
Not only will you reach those actively searching for a job, but you’ll also reach those who aren’t but, could be convinced to consider other opportunities.
Top 5 Reason’s Radio Is Your Best Source For New Employees
1) Radio is fast. During the week 92% of all Americans listen to the radio – Nielsen. That means you will not only reach those actively looking for a job, but you have the opportunity to attract those stronger candidates that are already employed. Radio also reaches spouses, family members, or friends of those in need of a job. Therefore, the chances of influencing potential candidates to apply quickly are high. In comparison, online recruitment postings attract primarily those unemployed limiting your audience to the current unemployment rate, which in our area is currently only 5.0%.
2) Radio reaches specific targeted demographic groups. Chances are you have a good idea of who you want as a new employee. Radio has the ability to target that demographic making it easier to pinpoint the best advertising audience for your specific demographic.
3) Radio Expands Your Reach, Making It More Likely You Will Find That Perfect Employee. Unlike online job postings who only attract those actively searching for a job right then, radio has the unique ability to reach qualified candidates who may not be actively seeking a new job. They may be in their car on their way home from an unsatisfying day at work when they hear your radio ad for a new job opportunity. Hearing your ad may be all they need to put them in a different frame of mind, and lead them to apply for your company’s job opening.
4) Radio produces positive, easily trackable ROI. Because radio ads reach targeted audiences, good results are inevitable, making a positive return on your investment easily attainable. By tracking the number of new applicants since kicking off your radio recruitment campaign, you can quickly determine the increase up and above your other recruitment methods. You can also monitor traffic to your website to determine if there has been an uptick in users since your advertisements began.
5) Radio is personal. Touching someone with a appealing radio ad while they’re in the comfort of their own car, home, or at work, is much more effective than a person finding a common job posting online. Radio has the added benefit of allowing you to include captivating testimonials from your current employees who can attest to how good your company is to work for.